​If you've forgotten your PIN... 

set up online / mobile access to monitor your account​​

keep up with your

chequng Account

If you didn't set up online access when you opened the account... 

  • Do it yourself online.
  • Grab your debit card and google your bank's online banking (eg. 'Scotiabank  online banking').
  • Near the 'Sign-in' button there should be a 'Register' button.  You will have to enter your debit card number, its expiry date, and possibly its three-digit security code.
  • The system will send a verification code to either the email address or phone number registered to your acount.
  • ​Enter the code and set a password. Acknowledge you read the online banking agreement.

​​​​Conventional banks

  • Visit your local branch.
  • The teller will help you reset your PIN.

​​​Conventional banks

  • Visit your local branch.
  • They should be able to print a new card on the spot.

​​If you didn't set up mobile banking...


  • Download your bank's app.
  • Login as prompted (with your debit card number /PIN) and set a password.
  • You may be sent a verification email / text​s

set up alerts, automatic payments, and e-transfers

Set up email / text alerts online (look under 'My Account" or "Account Settings'). Alerts notify you when various things happen with your account:

  • Minimum Balance: your account balance falls below a certain amount
  • Transaction Alert: a large transaction takes place (or any transaction online, by phone, or outside of Canada). If you didn't make these purchases, this can alert you of fraud. It can also confirm that certain payments / deposits went through as expected.
  • Credit Update: a change is made to your credit history (by Equifax or TransUnion). Check if your bank provides this service


Set up automatic payments / deposits

  • Pre-authorized debits (payments) regularly withdraw money from your account to pay for things like your phone, internet, and credit card bills.
  • Direct deposits automatically deposit regular payments into your account (like your paychequqe).
  • ​You'll have to contact your providers/employers directly to set these up
  • You'll need to share your banking/account information with them

Get familiar with e-transfers. To send an e-transfer, log on to your bank's mobile or online banking.

  • You will need to select the account from which you are sending the money, specify the amount, and provide the email or cell phone number of the person to whom you are sending the money.
  • You should specify a security question that the recipient has to answer before they can get the money. If they do not answer correctly, after a few attempts your funds will be returned.
  • You can use a request-money feature to bill for casual work, or to remind someone to pay you.  Make sure to check if your bank charges a fee for that.
  • What's the difference between Interac e-transfers and email transfers?

You may be asked to show ID / answer a few personal questions.

Online banks

  • Call you bank's 24h hotline.
  • Tell them you've forgotten your PIN and they'll help you reset it.

Test your online / mobile banking set-up.

  • Send an e-transfer, check your balance / transaction history, deposit a cheque by taking a photo of it.

Once your online access is in place, check your account frequently for unexpected transactions and fees.

what if your bank goes bankrupt?

​If a bank goes out of business, your money will be fine. A government agency called the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) or its provincial equivalent automatically insures deposits up to $100,000 per account. 

Even though your money is insured up to $100,000, you shouldn't keep large balances in your account. Instead, consider moving your money to a savings / investment account to earn additional income.

Online banks

  • Call you bank's 24h hotline
  • Tell them you've lost your card and they'll mail you a new one.

If you've misplaced your debit card... ​​