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What is it Used for?
Your savings account is your rainy day fund. It's a cash buffer that you can draw from if you run out of money.
Savings accounts earn interest on their balance. If you stash your rainy day fund in your chequing account, you'll miss out on additional income.
Every month, your bank pays you a small percentage of your savings account's balance as interest. The interest is deposited into your account and compounded daily (you earn interest on previous interest).
If you're still in high school, don't worry - you can open a savings account on your own even if you're not 18/19 yet.
Key Features
Interest Rate
Higher rates mean you earn more.
Monthly Transactions and E-transfers
They're used to transfer money between your chequing and savings accounts
Savings accounts offer unlimited deposits
They may limit the number of free monthly transactions (money leaving your account) and e-transfers.
Special Promotions
Don't completely ignore them but don't be swayed by them.
Always consider the regular rate first. A special promotion will run out after a few months and you'll be stuck with regular rate.

Key Features Tip
For your savings account, look for a high interest rate and enough free transactions for your needs.
Make sure you can easily transfer money to and from your chequing account.

Research & Compare Tip
Websites, like are useful. You should also google the name of the bank and the product you are checking. For example, “RBC savings account”. Be sure to investigate links that say ‘legal disclaimers’, ‘learn more’, ‘additional features’, 'view details', or the footnotes above certain key words.

RESP Tip #1
Ask your parents / primary caregiver if they opened a RESP for you (registered education savings plan). This account provides tax benefits and also gives access to certain government education grants - it's free money that goes towards your post-secondary education.

RESP Tip #2
If you you're still <15, you can open a RESP on your own to receive the government grant.
If your family is low income, you don't need their contribution to get the grant. Make sure you don't miss out on this opportunity.
If your family is not low income, ask if they could start making contributions or contribute your own money. Whatever you can come up with, the government will match.