Start on the left and keep going until you reach the hexagon that describes you.

These are the products and tools you'll need in your financial set-up.

​​​​​FinStart is a community. 

We rely on feedback from users,​ educators, financial institutions, and parents as we continue to build FinStart.

FinStart for Teachers offers high school teaching resources, including lesson plans, activities, and real-life case studies - at no cost to users.

Watch a 6-minute video, Teaching with FinStart.

Certain things are best done at certain ages.

FinStart  Hackathon

How do I get what I want out of life in a world that runs on money?

​​​​​​​FinStart's Toolkit is an online bootcamp. It's interactive learning - games, quizzes, case studies to solve using our research tables and checklists, and interactive stories.  They help you build, trouble-shoot, and maintain your financial set-up.  Try it!

 FinStart's Library presents the same material in e-book format - for ease of reference.

​​Which situation best describes you?

Are you starting high school, turning 17/18, getting close to the age of majority, or living on your own? 

own and manage your finances

FinStart is a Canadian financial literacy platform